Knowing me better


I'm not sure if you guys are familiar with this tagging thing in Instagram. Anyways, I was tagged by my cousin, Erika and my best friend, Anj (click the link to visit her blog)
ps. i love her playlist.

Going back to what I am saying, here are some FACTS about me but this is incomplete cause my original post on Instagram was superb long and I somewhat revised this one.

 Shoes are my life!  && I collect Printed Socks
(i'll be posting a blog about it soon!)

I love dressing up to the point that my closet space isn't enough for my clothes

I hate pants && no-no to slippers/flipflops (no matter what brand it is) esp when going out

I don't care showing off my body, I'm proud && confident

I love swimsuits && I go to beaches for picture purposes only cause
I hate the sun as much as I hate lizards

I love walking in my room && sleeping with less clothes

I need my glasses 90% of the time but doesn't wear it that much

Free as a bird, no rules, only child && I wish I had an older brother

Travelling feeds my soul && can't wait to travel with my other half in the future

 I always carry a bag no matter what! my bag is filled with so much essentials cause i have OCD

I love SURPRISES && planning one for someone 
I'm the sweetest && most thoughtful person in the world when you're special to me

I love to read FACTS, Its a part of my daily routine

I set my own rules && limitations for myself 
like I never dyed my hair && kissed a guy until I reached the age of 20

Easily get scared with strangers, I cry whenever I'm so scared or shocked, anywhere ; anytime

Has a driver's license but not allowed to drive alone

Kid at heart
I love candies, stuffed toys && helium balloons makes me oh so happy!

I have a big appetite for BURGERS , PIZZAS , FRIES && PASTA
&& I love searching for new good places to eat
(I'll be also posting food reviews soon)

My braces && I were been together for half of my life

I almost tried every sports the world can offer
from basketball - ice skating - cheerleading
&& knows to play volleyball, badminton etc., (you name it!)

I love movies, to draw️ && write stuff
I wanna be a painter - writer/author/director - photographer - doctor - baker/chef someday!

(KEVIN RAMOS) 1 month being together, I'm his 1st girlfriend && the 1st guy that I kissed

I hold my phone 90% of the time
70% for surfing/updating FB, Twitter && IG ;
10% for texting him ;
5% typing random stuff on my notes ;
5% google-ing directions, places or anything searchable

I simply love kids whenever there are cute kids I like to eat them

I stopped drinking SODAS for several years
I'm always good with WATER!

I love to walk , 80% of my life goes to walking
I can walk in the mall alone for more than 7 hrs (tried it once)
 but I starve myself to death cause I can't eat alone

Recently I decided to go to concerts alone
-- some are Maroon 5, Nicki Minaj & Rihanna --
rather buying another ticket for someone to accompany me
(check my YOUTUBE account for concert videos)

I love people with time, effort, honesty, loyalty && respect

I love vintage #Polyester

I love the smell of GAS && RUGBY lol!

Asthmatic && palpitates a lot
My mom Christina is my #1 BEST FRIEND
no secrets allowed, I tell her almost everything that's happening in my life

if you guys have QUESTIONS about anything

feel free to comment down there
fill the form below at the very end of my site
reach me through any of my social networking sites



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