Wrapped It Up!

hey guys!
Are you having trouble with crazy cables? being tangled all over your bag or all over each other? and have you experienced cables being stripped off at the ends? well, this is one major problem of Apple users like me.

For several years I'm an Apple user and I can't deny the fact that their cord/chargers are easily damaged. I'm totally clueless why they happen, maybe because of using it too often or the heat from charging that the outer skin of the cable expands and eventually breaks.

Buying an original one for replacement is quite expensive while going for the cheap one doesn't guarantee you to last.

Well, this solution is definitely not my original idea, and it's actually in the trend. If you guys are active on Instagram many people are doing this and some are selling this cord protector.

Also, for me as a dirt freak lol this would also protect your cords from dirt
at the end of the blog sources are posted where to get this :)


what you'll be needing:

  • for me the 1st thing is PATIENCE cause this one spares a lot of time
  • spiral cord protector (colors depending on your design and preference)
  • scissors
  • chargers / cables / cords / earphones

1. Prepare all the materials

TIP: one spiral cord protector isn't enough for apple cords,
so you'll be needing 3-4 cords and colors depending on your design and preference

2. Find the end of the spiral cord protector (as shown in the picture) and you'll be needing your scissors to cut it in the middle. Cut it patiently for best results.

3. After cutting, wrapped it up with your desired color on your design and preference.

I picked this candy colored cords (light blue - green - pink)

TIP: use your first three fingers
from thumb - pointing - middle finger
in pushing the cords until the very end

You have now a stylish cable :)

this is the first cord that I wrapped up

If you guys having a hard time to look for spiral cord protectors my friend Camille is selling for a very cheap price (25 php) per cord but if you'll say that you have been referred by me through reading my blog you'll get a 5 peso discount. Isn't a GREAT DEAL? cause buying it in commercial areas costs 50 php each.

If you wished you guys can also contact me
& i'll send your orders to her & give it to you personally.
Also, if you need assistance in wrapping I would love to do the favor.

Here's my finished product

a big thanks Camille for the spiral cord protectors
also, thanks to @SHOPAVENUE for the cute wire organizers for OC people like me
(check their Instagram account by clicking)

Hope you learned from this! Show me your finished product too!
I would love to see your creative side :)



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